[Aid Project] 2 Homes for Familia Feliz’s Orphans

Two months have passed since I parked my bike at Familia Feliz.
During these weeks of volunteering at the orphanage, I have decided to donate my money to a project I launch today with the help of my media contact.
2 Homes for Familia Feliz’s Orphans.
I have no idea how much would cost to build a house in each of your countries, but here in Bolivia, with just 22000 Euros, we can build two and home 16 orphans.
Here are some media releases about this project at Familia Feliz. The Aid Project is called “2 Homes for Familia Feliz’s Orphans”.
Donations are now open. You will find all the information at this following link.
I’d like to repost one of the topics posted in Familia Feliz page.
If you have donated but you still want to help more and contribute to the project “2 Homes for Familia Feliz’s Orphans”, you may:
share it with your co workers
share it with your friends
share it with your parents
share it with your community
share it with your church members
show it or link it to your contacts
write an article on a magazine or a web magazine you know
link it or talk about it on your blog, website or forum
share it on a social network (Facebook, MySpace, ecc)
share it on a radio, newsletter or meeting
sponsor it or invest on it with your company
print out flies about it
send a email to all your contacts
The ways to do it are infinite and most of them are free.
Please send me an email to [email protected] to communicate me your sharing work and I’ll point it out in Familia Feliz credits page.
Thanks so much from the kids, the directors and me, for your significant help.
Un abbraccio.
Gionata Nencini