Foto Contest di Viaggio

Il Foto Contest di è adesso un evento annuale, dove puoi mettere in mostra le tue più belle foto di viaggi in moto e lasciare che queste ispirini altri a mettersi in viaggio. Le foto vincitrici verranno pubblicate sul calendario del 2010 e tutte quelle inviate saranno rese pubbliche sul sito con apparizioni random.
Segui le linee guida ed invia le tue foto al link:
The contest is now an annual event, where you can showcase your best photos, and they can help inspire others to get on the road too. The new design for the website is coming along nicely, and we have a lot of new stuff in the works – one of them will be using the photos – they will appear randomly in the web pages, so everyone will get to enjoy almost ALL the photos submitted, not just the winners!
First Prize 2008 Contest: Tyson Brust, Canada; of Jose Rodriguez, riding the rim of Guagua Pichincha volcano, Ecuador.
First Prize 2007 Contest: Photo by Stefan Thiel, Germany,; of Giancarlo ‘Carlo’ Albrecht (Germany); On the piste from Rissani to Zagora in Morocco, Honda Transalp.
First Prize 2006 Contest: Photo by Michel de Schoutheete; Gerald Regnier crossing a bridge in Park National Torres del Paine, Chile.
First Prize 2005 Contest: Erling Foshaugen, Norway; Curious kid, Omo Valley, Ethiopia, R80GS Basic
The best 13 photos will be used in the calendar, and those photographers will share equally in half the proceeds. Winners will also get a free 2009 calendar, and 1 year Gold Member status on the HUBB.
- Send up to 6 photos, in high resolution jpg or tif format using the form below.
- Photos must clearly portray MOTORCYCLE Travel. The whole bike doesn’t need to be in the picture, but it must be obvious that it’s a motorcycle trip.
- Copyright remains with the photographer, but Horizons Unlimited (HU) requires the right to:
- publish the photos on the Horizons Unlimited website as we see fit,
- in Horizons Unlimited DVD‘s, and
- in the Horizons Unlimited Travellers Calendar. If used in the Calendar, you will receive a portion of the proceeds.
- You will always get credit for your photo wherever it’s used.
For the contest entry, you can send any file size from 800×600 up. We PREFER full 2300×1800+ pics ready to use.
BUT to be a winner, so we can publish the calendar, you must have available at least 2300×1800 (2272 x 1731 will BARELY do) pixel or greater files, at a high jpg quality. Either dimension – or both can be larger!
Photos will be printed at 8.5 x 11 inches (A4/letter).
Io ho postato 3 foto, le suguenti:
Que hermosas las primeras fotos…increibles…