Newsletter 10/10: Panamerican Tour

Thanks to Elisa Piani for donating me 50 Euros!
discover the other 137 donators HERE
Hi Traveler!
This is the tenth Newsletter of 2009 and you are receiving it as a brief tale of what happened in my last traveling month. Let get down to it!
Beginning Panamerican Tour: 22/1/2009
Since last month: 22/10/2009 – 22/11/2009
From: Rurrenabaque, Bolivia
To: Guayaramerin, Brasile
Km totally ridden: 141000 (work in progress)
Km ridden so far: 22100 (11000 on dirt)
Km ridden this month: 1100 (1100 on dirt)
Countries crossed: Bolivia, Brasil
Bike problems: fuel consumption, rear tire pinched, all camping gear lost, rear tire pinched, broken radiator, broken radiator fan, broken plastics, broken air filter, tank bag ripped,
Money spent so far: 2378 euro (1300 for fuel and bike, 1078 for food)
Money spent this month: 200 euro (122 for fuel, 78 for food)
Main meals: brekfast, lunch and dinner bought at small restaurants
Nights in Hotel: 0
Nights in tent: 0
Nights with CS: 0
Nights at local people: 31 (Familia Feliz)
Nights at camping site: 0
Nights at free camp site: 0
Alternative vehicle: none
Donations received this month: 175 Euro (Paolo Tieri, Marco Andrea Cislaghi, Francesco Bruschetto, Pontili Claudio, Venturini Luca, Piani Elisa)
I don’t wear a watch but time never stop passing.
Another month on the road, another newsletter, another year around the world.
I am 26 and I can see the first white hair growing. I have new scars on my face, an ankle with bending problems, wrinkles as if i was 38 and a bike which show how many years and km has been trhough.
But I am very positive.
Because time doesn’t spare no one, not even those who lead a confortable, quiet and normal life style.
I am tired of travelling, because all these weeks riding, all the creek crossings, all the camping nights, easily becoms part of a routine too and they can be very tiring. Alienating.
Then, if on top of that you add a foruncolitis, a half love story in chile, the ande’s winter, a bike crash, a bike highjack, a hospital recovery, a dislocation, a computer and video camera stolen from me, a humanitarian project, 4 months of diarrea (river water) and the plan to meet up with my family in brazil next february, well, then you can consider this first 10 months of the Panamerican Tour a very exhausting experience.
I feel like working again and challange myself with a new professional experience. I want to dedicate my time to those creative things i love to do. To seat at my desk and write while a coffee cup is smoking beside my mousepad (i actually forgot they stol my pc when i wrote this last line).
I want to get to a stranger city and, after few weeks, start calling it home.
I want to taste again what is to be doing:
home – work – home routine, a friend network and awesome weekends spent cooking for who knows who.
Before this year, decinding to stop to work was always a matter of saving more money to keep travelling. Today, expecialy thanks to articles, google adsense, ads on and the donation, I can look for a job without feeling to be at the edge.
But where to look for one?
Brazil? Chile? Argentina?
It was easier when, realizing I had my last 100 euros, i would think: “Time to work…”
That’s why I have lived pretty much the furtherst I could get: Osaka, Dalian, Sydney, Darwin, ChristChurch.
Today this is not the case but I don’t feel luckier. I kinda feel unconfortable to be able to choose where to live, what to do and expecially when to stop.
Let’s see what the newt km will help me deciding.
Bike mantainance went smootly and ok.
But I have a bad feeling. I think the chassis or the shock absorbers bent during the last crash I had. The bike now, just doesn’t feel the same.
So this is it and these are the people I wanna thank:
- My family
- Fabrizio Tondelli and CPL supporting Familia Feliz
- Noè
- G. L and Honda Italy
- Claudio Proni, Andrea Andrenacci, Federico Ballardini and Alessandro for donating me spar parts to fix my bike.
- Ugo Passerini and In Moto
- Giorgio Palloni
- My friends and readers
Gionata Nencini