Newsletter 11/09: Panamerican Tour

Thanks to Antonella Manunta and Tullio Pattenófor donating me 40 Euro!
discover the other 141 donators QUI
Hi Traveler!
This is the eleventh Newsletter of 2009 and you are receiving it as a brief tale of what happened in my last traveling month. Let get down to it!
Beginning Panamerican Tour: 22/1/2009
Since last month: 22/11/2009 – 22/12/2009
From: Rurrenabaque, Bolivia
To: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Km totally ridden: 195000 (work in progress)
Km ridden so far: 30100 (11000 on dirt)
Km ridden this month: 7000 (0 on dirt)
Countries crossed: Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina
Bike problems: fuel consumption, rear tire pinched, all camping gear lost, rear tire pinched, broken radiator, broken radiator fan, broken plastics, broken air filter, tank bag ripped, INCIDENTE IN MOTO, SEQUESTRO MOTO, Secondo incidente caduta, Smarrimento Attrezzi meccanici, Problema elettrico,
Money spent so far: 3000 euro (2050 for fuel, 1750 for food)
Money spent this month: 572 euro
Main meals: brekfast, lunch and dinner bought at small restaurants
Nights in Hotels: 0
Nights in tent: 19
Nights with CS: 8 (Lise, Michelli, Joelma)
Nights at local people: 1 (Miguel)
Nights at camping site: 0
Nights at free camp site: 0
Alternative vehicle:
Donations received this month: 40 Euro (Tullio Pattenó, Antonella Manunta)
Can I be honest with you all?
I kept complaining, listing all the bed things that have happened to me.
If i fall I bleed, if they steal fro me i cry and if the bike doesn´t start I push it.
I have always expressed myself with such a seriousness I couldn´t sound positive at all.
But even thought this is the dream of my life, It mustn´t be a crime if sometimes things just don´t work out.
But the truth is that, now that this first part of the Panamerican Tour is over, I fell so satisfied about it. I cannot even describe it to you.
It’s like getting into a changing room after having played the most exausting footbal match. Grass stains on the pants, sweat all over and a bed smell.
Or it’s like laying down with your partner after a long argued week ended up in a romantic bedroom.
So it’s time to say “screw you” to the theft, to the accidents, to the diarrea, to the highjacking, to the scars, to fines and bribes and custom issues.
A NEGATIVE 2009 won’t make me regret the awesome traveling years I have had and it won´t take away from me the willing to continue travelling.
I will miss this messed up Panamerican Tour.
End of story.
I have quiet finished this trip yet, but I won’t tell you where I am going.
Here at surprise just come after Xmas.
Un abbraccio
Gionata Nencini
Gionata, i found you because i’m just about to buy a 1987 transalp, same as yours, and ride it from london to korea, via kazekhstan and mongolia, where i will get a job teaching english to children. i’ve read a couple of your posts and i see you’ve had some terrible luck – it seems to have come all at once?
anyway, i wanted to know whether you have any tips for my with preparing the bike, i can’t believe you can have many complaints after such a long distance right?
i see you’ve not posted in 2010, so i won’t expect a quick reply. you can catch me on the horizons website name = seizetheday. good luck with the next stage, and let me know if you want beer or coffee in london (before july)!
Hi david, i’d be greatly happy to help you.
I got a forum in english so that you can post and we can all help you out.