
Partireper = Gionata Nencini = Transalp


Hi Gionata!

My name is Marton, I am Hugnarian and I have a Transalp. I am also the co-founder of, the website of the Hungarian Transalp Community. Our website has started about a month ago, so it is very new and we are trying to put new information on it continously.

Many of us know about your around the world adventure on a Transalp. I am contacting you to ask if you would be interested in giving us an interview? The interview would be in English and than transaled into Hungarian. Of course, if you would like to use the English version it is up to you! 😀

The interview would include your personal story from the beginning as well as many other details that many people would find interesting. Such as: the idea, the planning, the trip itself, problems, difficulties, living on the road and others.

If you are interested in this pelase let me know and I would send you the questions. We would be very happy to publish your story in our website.

Thank you for your response!


Marton (Lippi)


Relativo a Gionata Nencini

Mi chiamo Gionata Nencini, toscano classe 1983 e viaggiare in moto è la mia più grande passione. Nel 2005, a 21 anni, parto per il giro del mondo con in tasca solo 2.200 euro e oggi ho uno storico di 800.000 km percorsi in solitaria attraverso 78 paesi. PARTIREper è il blog che racconta le mie esperienze e quelle della mia community.

Un pensiero su “Partireper = Gionata Nencini = Transalp

  1. buxy86 ha detto:

    bè dovresti farlo, quando hai un pò di tempo

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