Some words 4 u

Dear Gionata,
It’s not by chance that we come across certain people in life. Sometimes, we can say that it’s meant to be but, on other occasions, many of us, reckless people, feel that we really look for them.
I rather be one of those dreamers who actually think that you bumped into someone because you needed him/her o because that person was going to play an important role in your life. It doesn’t matter how or for how long. But what really matters it’s the way it will affect your future from that moment on.
I like to believe that I am the type of person that cannot stay still waiting for things or people to step on your way, that you have to go and find them yourself. And that is how I met Gionata, who seems to be pretty significant for many people as I can see in all the posts, pics, articles, etc.
Certain people have some kind of influence over you, maybe because of something they said or they did or wrote. In my case, looking at someone’s eyes and sharing honest and sincere conversation opens a whole new world to me. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be dedicating these “cheesy” lines to someone who was quite cross as he felt I was not listening to him because I was singing.
That weekend was paramount for my experience as an individual. I questioned my future plans, my life philosophy and I analyzed better those who surround me. Unconsciously, perhaps, you opened my eyes to discovering myself in a different way, in a way that helps me being capable of answering simple questions such as: “How do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?” Not even 10 or 15. Five! And I hesitated. I didn’t answer clearly. I think I was more aware of what I was looking for 10 years ago than now. Nevertheless, you suddenly appeared there to enlighten and take me into a more introspective view of my personal search. We’re all searching something. You’re travelling in order to find something too. So, “movement” seems to be the answer.
You leave a trace in many people and you enrich your soul from other people as well. I, as a teacher, and you, as a traveler, must be very conscious of our sayings and doing. We’re models for others. Isn’t that enough reward?
Thanks for a wonderful weekend.
Take care and enjoy life,
for some questions that, in fact, are answers about your soul and maybe also for the soul’s reader.
Then thank you also because a nice message like this.
Kind regards,
(sì.., quello argentino dall’Italia 😉 )
ma dove eri finito…?
.., ci sono ci sono.., solo che anch’io con 20.000 e di più impegni e anche perché ho organizzato due incontri per i possessori di Aprilia Caponord in Italia.., quindi divertimento (cioè lavoro!) fulltime.
ma direi che anche te sai mantenerti impegnato!.., e per bene 😉