Cina: Via della SETA – dettagli

NOTA: questo articolo è stato riesumato da un archivio web nel Agosto 2015 e postato rispettando la data originale in cui è stato scritto la prima volta. Testo trascritto senza alcuna correzione
Ho mobilitato TUTTI. E a livello percentuale, le risposte datemi sono tre. Le cito alla fine di questo post, dopo tutti i messaggi ricevuti. Spero mastichiate un po’ di inglese.
Da RG Mazur” [email protected]
“I am very sad to hear that you are in trouble when entering China with your
bike. The problem you are facing is quite normal. It is absolutely necessary
to arrange visit to China with an own vehicle or bike in advance. For
travelling with your own vehicle in China you must have many, many permits
which will be procured by an authorized Chinese travel agency. This costs a
lot of mony and takes a lot of time, at least some months. We have been
informed by NAVO-tours ( that from 2004 the Chinese
authorities will not allow single foreign vehicles (including bikes) to
travel across more than 1 (one) province. I doubt that this is correct
because we travelled in summer 2004 across 5 provinces, from Mongolia to
There are also many reports from bikers that they managed to enter to China
and travel several provinces without having a guide or any permit. CARNET
will NOT help. Please refer to
I do hope you will find some advice there. I am very sorry but I cannot help
you directly.
All the best to you!
Da “Grant Johnson – Horizons Unlimited” [email protected]
Chris Ratay forwarded your question to me, as I run the world’s premier motorcycle
travel information source.
As for your problem entering China – you’ve just discovered
the normal situation entering China.
There are only two ways to enter China:
1. Sneak in illegally, or confuse a border guard, or bribe
him to let you in. All of course illegal. You may or not
succeed, and you may or may not end up in jail with your
bike confiscated, and then get thrown out of the country. If
you are currently in the country, well done! BUT be aware
that you are not legally in the country and are at risk.
2. The ONLY LEGAL way in is to spend MANY months in advance
preparing the way. You must first contact a Chinese tour
company that will arrange all the paperwork, and arrange a
guide in a 4 wheel drive vehicle to escort you throughout
the country. He will know what areas you are not allowed in.
The fee is approximately US$100 per day.
Sounds crazy, but that’s the way it is. My best advice is to
forget about it, and go another route. MANY travellers have
tried, and only a couple succeeded without a guide.
Note that China isn’t the only one that’s a problem – you
can only enter Vietnam on a bike smaller than 250cc.
More information on the HUBB –
See the “Southern Asia” Forum, and note all the posts on
China, especially “Riding in China : finding SOLUTIONS” and
“China is open” – misnamed – no it’s not!
see you on the road someday, somewhere…
Grant Johnson
Horizons Unlimited – Live the Dream!
at the Motorcycle Travellers’ website:”
Da David McMillan [email protected]
I am not sure if I can help you, but we came through
the western part of China a few months ago. However
we did it the legal way, with Chinese drivers license,
registration and guide. We used Caravan Cafe in
Kashgar ( to procure the paperwork
and it was quite expensive. I would check out their
website and give Greg a call at the number on the
website as he may be a bit slow to respond by email.
Greg can possibly give you some advice.
This is about all the advice I can give you, if you
don’t have the Chinese licence, registration and
guide, you will have to use the customs ignorance to
the best of your advantage. If you have a carnet,
maybe you can try to use this also.
Sorry I can’t be any more help, try calling Greg at
Caravan Cafe and maybe he can help you out. Tell him
that I sent you.
Good luck,
You have to get in contact with the China national tourist office,
I organised my Chinese passage in advance, Chinese number plates, Chinese driving license etc. And I had to book a guide to follow me by car. I got in through the Torugard Pass Kirgistan and went out 3 weeks later through the Karakorum highway into Pakistan.
No way they let you drive through China, put your bike on a truck to the next border?
Good luck,
Maurits van Rijckevorsel
Facility Manager”
Come sopra descritto ci sono adesso 2 OPZIONI
1. Ottenere il permesso LEGALMETE, con i tempo ed i costi descritti (100 euro al giorno per guidare in cina scortato da una macchina).
2. Ottenere l’ingresso ILLEGALMENTE rischiando il sequestro del mezzo e l’arresto.
Ovvio che, con tutte le dovute precauzioni, provero’ la seconda opzione, visto che non ho 7 mesi di visto per la Cina e specialmente non ho 9000 euro per pagarmi il permesso.
Mi sto muovendo per passi.
Ho fatto preparare da amici cinesi un foglio fittizio scritto in cinese che mi arrivera’ domani via fax da presentare alle competenze doganali. Giiocando sulla loro ignoranza dovrei poter passare avvalendomi di un foglio di carta scritto nella loro lingua con qualche dettaglio sulla moto.
Nel caso non funzionasse, ho gia’ ricevuto una telefonata da chi lavora qui e potrebbe cercare di negozioare il mio permesso specificando il mio ingresso come una sorta di Turismo sportivo.
Nel caso in cui niente di tutto questo risultasse efficacie, presentandomi con una bottiglia del liquore piu’ costoso, proverei a dare all’unico doganiere che mastica un minimo di inglese una somma in contanti pari ad un mezzo del suo stipendio (350 euro) sperando che questo convinca piu’ del resto gia’ provato.
Speriamo vada bene.
Un abbraccio