In caso ti scordassi che hai un visto in scadenza.

Ma guarda questi!
Mi hanno mandato una mail oggi per dirmi che mi scade il visto l’11 Dicembre.
Se lo voglio rifare faccio bla bla bla.
Se non voglio restare me ne devo andare altrimenti bla bla bla.
Se ho già richiesto il secondo visto, posso ingnorare il bla bla bla contenuto nella mail.
Ve la copio:
Dear Gionata Nencini,
Our records show that your permit is due to expire, as follows:
– Client number 4077xxxx
– Work Permit expiring on 11/12/2008If you are planning to stay longer in NZ then we suggest a new application be lodged shortly.
Application forms can be downloaded from our website: you have already lodged a new application or you plan to leave New Zealand before 11/12/2008 then no further action is required.
We hope you have had an enjoyable stay in New Zealand.
Kind Regards
Immigration New Zealand–== New Zealand’s Immigration Advisers licensing laws are changing. Visit to see how this might affect you. ==–
Please Note: This is an automated email. If you would like to lodge an enquiry with Immigration New Zealand or to see answers to frequently asked questions you can visit our Online Help site at
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